Microscopic Laryngeal Surgery
Here you will find all the information about microscopic laryngeal surgery.
What is microscopic laryngeal surgery?

Inflammation of the vocal cords is often caused by overuse of the voice or changes in temperature. Often, this type of hoarseness will resolve on its own within 3 weeks. Occasionally, changes in the voice can be the first sign of a more serious problem, such as vocal weakness, vocal cord tumors, or even throat cancer. If you have hoarseness that lasts longer than 3 weeks, it is recommended to see an otolaryngologist who can examine the larynx.
Dr. Gonzalo Jiménez Orci performs laryngoscopy to diagnose and treat voice disorders. It begins with a complete medical history and a physical examination of the head and neck. Typically, this includes examination of the larynx with a rigid or flexible fiberoptic laryngoscope, using local anesthesia and causing minimal discomfort. The vocal cords are examined to detect inflammation, weakness, or injuries, including nodules, polyps, cysts, trauma, scars, hemorrhages, and cancer. Most voice problems can be successfully treated through lifestyle changes, vocal hygiene, vocal rest, and vocal exercises. The medical-dental care team will often include an otolaryngologist and occasionally a speech therapist (voice therapist).
Sometimes surgery is necessary, such as removing a cyst, polyp or nodule from the vocal cords, performing a biopsy of a suspicious lesion, removing a non-cancerous growth such as a papilloma (wart), removing edema caused by smoking, or excising a pre-cancer or cancer.
Surgery of the vocal cords is often performed through direct laryngoscopy (microlaryngoscopy), under general anesthesia. During microlaryngoscopy, patients undergo a general anesthetic, which puts them completely to sleep. A metal tube is used to hold the tongue to one side, so that the vocal cords can be examined with a microscope. Sometimes, a CO₂ laser is used to cut or remove tissue during the surgery. La cirugía laríngea generalmente se realiza sin requerir que el paciente sea hospitalizado. After a limited voice rest, patients usually return to work after one week and experience gradual improvement of their voice over several weeks.
Do you have any questions?
Dr. Gonzalo Jiménez Orci understands that a surgical intervention is a big decision, which is why you can contact him through his phone number, email, or request an appointment where you can clarify all your concerns.
Learn about Dr. Gonzalo Jimenez.
Dr. Gonzalo Jiménez Orci has extensive experience in the field of otolaryngology, specializing in Cosmetic Nose Surgery, offering quality service and a friendly approach.