Learn about the various conditions related to the nose
La septoplastia es una cirugía nasal que se realiza para corregir el tabique nasal desviado. El tabique nasal es el hueso y cartílago que separa las dos fosas nasales. Cuando está desviado, puede obstruir el flujo de aire y dificultar la respiración. La septoplastia implica enderezar el tabique nasal para mejorar el flujo de aire y aliviar los síntomas de obstrucción nasal. Esta cirugía se realiza bajo anestesia general y generalmente es un procedimiento ambulatorio, lo que significa que la persona puede irse a casa el mismo día.
Septoplasty is one of the most common procedures in otolaryngology. Deviation from birth or caused by injury during adolescence can lead to more severe deviations in adulthood, causing a decrease in airflow through the nose and feeling like there is something blocking it!
The nasal septum can be adjusted to block or open up, which affects the ability to breathe through the mouth or nose at different times of the day (it’s also important while sleeping).
Dr. Gonzalo Jiménez Orci will ensure that you can breathe more easily by correcting any issues with your nose through a septoplasty procedure. You should notice an improvement in the quality of your sleep, as it is no longer necessary for post-operative patients to sleep breathing through their mouth; they will now use their natural nasal flow which works better than ever. This is also useful if athletes have difficulty breathing due to previous injury or chronic rhinosinusitis conditions such as allergic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (AIH).

Do you have any questions?
Dr. Gonzalo Jimenez understands that a surgical intervention is a big decision, so you can contact him through his phone number or email, or request an appointment where you can clarify all your doubts.
Learn about Dr. Gonzalo Jimenez.
Dr. Gonzalo Jimenez has extensive experience in the field of otorhinolaryngology, specializing in nose aesthetic surgery, offering quality service and a friendly approach.